Hope Scholarship Alternatives

If you are a high school senior this year (2012), what are your alternatives with respect to scholarships?  If you are in Georgia or Tennessee, you have each states version of the Hope Scholarship, of course.  But, could you do better?  Should look for Hope Scholarship alternatives?  And, from another point of view, what if you are just entering the ninth grade… Should you plan on the Hope Scholarship being available?  Should you plan on a different strategy?  I think just considering these questions may actually provide better solutions for some students than what the Hope Scholarship may provide. Continue reading

Hope Scholarship

What is the Hope Scholarship?  First, it is a scholarship or award given based on meeting certain criteria.  That criteria is defined in the name of the scholarship.  HOPE is an acronym:  H (Helping) O (Outstanding) P (Pupils) E (Educationally).  The keyword, I think, in this acronym is “Outstanding”.  Let’s look at the definition of “Outstanding”.  From the merriam-webster dictionary, outstanding means:

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Hope Scholarship Study Abroad

The Georgia Hope Scholarship Program does not limit the number of hours in a year that a student can take and it does not limit funding to just the Fall and Spring Semesters.  With this in mind, students that are eligible and receive funding for the Hope Scholarship can take summer term classes.  During the summer between the Sophomore/Junior  and Junior/Senior years many students take advantage of study abroad programs. Continue reading